Milford School District and Abbott’s Mill Nature Center have partnered this year to continue providing field experiences to students despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Because students are still using a hybrid learning experience with some students still in a completely remote setting, the experiences will be conducted remotely this year. “Abbott’s Mill has worked to pivot our traditionally hands-on rich …
MSD hopes to expand summer programming for 2021
At the regular meeting of the Milford School District Board of Education, Dr. Bridget Amory, Director of Student Learning, advised board members that there were plans to expand summer services in the district for 2021. Although some of the programs are offered every summer, Dr. Amory stated that the district was looking for ways to keep children active and engaged …
MSD moves to full concurrent learning
Milford School District returned to hybrid learning on January 11 following Governor John Carney’s recommendation that school districts in Delaware once again begin in-person learning. On Monday, February 1, all students in Milford will begin concurrent learning where remote learning students will be in class at the same time as those who have chosen to attend in person. “It is …
Milford School District reviews policy changes
At the regular meeting of the Milford School District Board of Education, several policy changes and updates were reviewed. These policies included changes to the dress code for the 2020-21 school year, conflict of interest as well as duties and ethics for board members as well as the family involvement policy. “We are recommending that the dress code policy which …
Scott Fitzgerald appointed to MSD Board of Education
On Monday, Jan. 25, Milford School District Board of Education appointed Scott Fitzgerald to complete the term of Judy Purcell who vacated a seat in Area D after moving from the area. Fitzgerald will hold the seat until Jun. 30. Board Member Rony Baltazar-Lopez was the only dissenting vote for Fitzgerald’s appointment. “I believe education is important,” Fitzgerald said when …
Milford School District serving more special needs students
Laura Manges, Director of Student Services at Milford School District, provided information the Milford School District Board of Education regarding special education services in the district at their regular meeting in Dec. 2020. According to Manges, the district is serving the highest number of special needs students in the 14 years she has been working in the district. “In our …