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Client Corner: My Sister’s Fault

Staff WriterBusiness, Police & Fire, RSS-Business

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Milford’s Star: My Sister’s Fault

About My Sister’s Fault

Run by two sisters, Angie and Rous Robles, My Sisters Fault is a Puerto Rican-inspired bakery that also dabbles in breakfast and lunch! Founded in 2017, Angie and Rous take pride in their ability to provide quality baked goods for local Delawareans.

Grant Application Support

My Sister’s Fault was 1 of 10 small businesses to win the final round of Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion (EDGE) grants. The EDGE Grant program gives small business owners in Delaware the opportunity to expand their efforts through access to significant capital. With the $50,000 grant, My Sister’s Fault plans to update its equipment to increase its production capacity.

They attribute a part of their business success to the mentorship and guidance they received from their SBDC Business Advisor, Lissette Galloza.

“We are extremely pleased with the support from the SBDC at every major event that our small business goes through. When it came to submitting applications for things like the EDGE Grant or for business loans, Lissette has been a key player because she makes sure we thoroughly understand the process.” – Robles sisters, My Sister’s Fault

With advisors like Lisette, clients also have an opportunity to work on finances, business planning, and grant application prep in Spanish. “I feel more comfortable speaking in Spanish, and [Lisette] makes sure to give me all info I need in a language I understand and that has been a blessing.”
“We will be forever grateful for the guidance and mentorship we received.”


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