Alicia Hollis

Milford Conversation to feature Kent Sussex Industries

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Alicia Hollis

Alicia Hollis of KSI will be the guest speaker at the October Milford Conversation (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

The Milford Conversations Group will be meeting, Thursday, October 5th at 8:30 AM at the First Presbyterian Church, located at 101 South Walnut Street. The speaker for this meeting will be Alicia Hollis of Kent-Sussex Industries.

“This is an informal group made up of those who are interested in learning more about the city of Milford as well as those who work to promote the city,” Erin Steele, Coordinator of the group, said. “We take a few minutes at each meeting for those present to give their “elevator speech” about what is happening with their business or organization prior to the guest speaker. After the speaker, there is a question and answer session as well. We try to keep the meeting to one hour each month.”

Steele, who recently took over the group from John Huntzinger, explained that there would be no meetings in November or December. Milford Conversation will return in January with a revised purpose as the dynamics of the group have changed somewhat since it began several years ago.

Milford Conversation began as an informal group of Milford citizens and leaders who wanted to create a forum to promote the city and to brainstorm ideas that could benefit businesses as well as non-profit organizations throughout the town. Guest speakers provided information about the many good things happening in Milford. During the pandemic, the group took a break, returning to in-person meetings in October 2021.

The meetings are free to attend and are held in the library of the church. Parking is available in the lot behind the church off Pearl Alley where those interested can enter through the back door (marked with a handicapped sign) and come through the kitchen into the library.

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