Fall chrysanthemums, gourds and pumpkins intermixed with beautifully trimmed shrubs were all part of the reason the Beautification Committee of the Milford Garden Club selected the Addington’s yard as their “October Garden of the Month”. Richard and Dona reside at 16499 Retreat Circle in Milford.
Dona was a local girl and when she married Richard, they made their home in Virginia. Then in 1989 they relocated back to Dona’s hometown where Richard is a business owner. After residing in several different locations in Milford, they finally bought their lovely home at the Retreat at Hazzard Hill.
Initially, the Addington’s had professional landscapers doing their yard work but when COVID hit, they made the decision to do all their own landscaping and they have obviously been very successful in doing it. Some of the shrubs and bushes which are enhanced by the placement of the mums, pumpkins and gourds include weigela, variegated holy, junipers, azalea, hawthorn bushes and one stately pin oak tree.
Milford Garden Club was established in 1966 and became a member of the Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs and National Garden Clubs in 1983. The group meets the first Monday of each month at the Milford Parks and Recreation building, located at 207 Franklin Street in Milford.
The Milford Garden Club offers many educational opportunities, providing details on how to create sustainable gardens using plants that are native to Delaware while also promoting environmental practices and planting to attract pollinators.
The Milford Garden Club is open to anyone with an interest in gardening and beautification. For more information about membership, email [email protected]. That same email can be used to nominate someone for the Garden of the Month designation.
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