First Week 2

Back to School Tips for MCA and MHS Students

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

First Week 2

Milford School District Schools will see students return on August 31

Milford High School students picked up their schedules on August 18 which provided them with an opportunity to learn who their teachers would be and make any adjustments to their schedules that were necessary. However, even though students at both Milford Central Academy and the high school have been attending school for many years, there are still some tips for parents that can help the transition to school go smoothly. The first day for all Milford School District schools is August 31.

“Milford Central Academy will hold their Open House on Monday, August 29,” Trish Gerken, Public Information Director at Milford School District, said. “The hours are 9 to 10 AM, 11 AM to 12 PM, 2 to 3 PM and 4 to 5 PM. This provides an opportunity for students to pick up their schedules, meet the teacher and learn about all MCA has to offer this year. Students that cannot attend will receive their schedule on the first day of school. Milford High School will hold an open house from 10 AM to 6 PM on Monday August 29.”

District staff suggested that parents begin discussing strategies with their children regarding organization and how to manage their time as the school year start approaches. They also should discuss the various activities the student may be involved in as well.

“We encourage our students and families to attend our various welcome events prior to the school year beginning,” Gerken said. “Students and families will have an opportunity to pick up their student schedule, receive school information and visit their classrooms to meet their teachers as they transition through their class schedule.”

Staff encourages parents to ask the student questions and reminds them that teachers, counselors and administrators are there to help. Informing staff of any concerns will help them assist your child.

“The more our students feel comfortable working with others, the more they will enjoy coming to school,” Gerken said. “Of course, talk positively about the start of the school year with your child. We are excited to have them coming back and have a ton of exciting things planned for them this year!”

The district will cover basic supply needs, Gerken explained, so all a child needs is a backpack and a lunchbox if they plan to pack their lunch. There are no supply lists as the district is supplying what is necessary for the start of school. If a student will need additional supplies, teachers will provide that information the first week.

“For 11th and 12th graders planning to drive to school, a Google form will be sent out via the 11th and 12th grade Schoology pages for students to fill out,” Gerken said. “After the first day of school, student drivers who filled out the form will be called down to the Main Office where they will be asked to provide their license, vehicle registration and proof of car insurance. Copies of these items will be made for our records and the student will be issued a numbered parking pass. Seniors are given priority and parking passes are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be no parking fee collected this year. Students will have until Friday, September 16th to obtain their MHS student parking permits.”

As with elementary students, the deadline to make changes and guarantee those changes will take place on the first day of school was August 18. Changes may still be made but parents may need to make alternative arrangements on the first few days of school as the deadline is to ensure that contractors and drivers have then necessary time to prepare for the routes and safe transportation for all students. The district will make every effort to shorten the turnaround time for changes made after August 18. Transportation details will be available on the district website starting on August 25.

“Please remember to be at the bus stop 15 minutes early on the first few days until a pattern is set,” Gerken said. “We ask that families please be patient with pick-up and drop-off times during the first week of school as times may vary some as traffic patterns and students becoming more familiar with their route are sorted out. If your student misses the bus, please contact your child’s school. If they miss the bus more than two days, please contact the Transportation Office, providing the spelling of your child’s name, the school where they are enrolled, assigned bus number and any other details.”

There are no changes to the dress code from last year at this time although the district will review again during the school year to ensure the policy is appropriate and fair for students and families. Parents are encouraged to review the dress code before shopping for school clothes by visiting Information is also included in the student handbook which is sent home with students.

“We are excited for the upcoming school year and the return of all of our students!” Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent, said. “We are fortunate for our wonderful and talented students, dedicated and accomplished teaching and support staff, caring families and supportive community. We look forward to an exciting and successful year of learning as we continue to work together to keep our “Students First!” and provide the best educational services and opportunities possible for our students, families and community.”

The Transportation Office can be reached by calling 302-424-6476 or email at [email protected]. Milford Central Academy can be reached at 302-430-7900 while Milford High School can be reached at 302-422-1610.

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