a fire truck parked in a parking lot

Council approves funding request from MSD

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story, Police & Fire

a fire truck parked in a parking lot

The City of Milford recently granted $5,000 to Milford School District to help fund their EMS program in an effort to assist Carlisle Fire Company with recruitment

At a recent meeting, Milford City Council approved a request for $5,000 from Milford School District to cover the cost of supplies for a new Emergency Management Services (EMS) pathway at Milford High School. The funding was issued in partnership with the district, the city and Carlisle Fire Company.

“We are here this evening on behalf of the Milford School District and we are seeking support in partnership with the Carlisle Fire Company, the Fire School of the State of Delaware, as well as the city of Milford to bring the EMS program to our high school, which will allow for us to train students to be able to be fully certified EMTs by the time they graduate,” Dr. Bridget Amory, Interim Superintendent, said. “It’ll be a small number of students who will be able to participate to get started, but we’re very excited about the opportunity. It’s a natural fit with our Allied Health pathway and it’s a direct immediate impact in our community. So, when we had the initial planning discussions, we talked about how the city could potentially provide support, and it was our hope that there could be funds to offset the cost associated with the consumable materials. And we’ve done the lift of acquiring the staff member and allocating the personnel as well as working on identifying all of the curriculum adjustments with the fire company as well. So, we’re here this evening to seek support from the city in that in that venture.”

Councilman Jason James commended Dr. Amory for hearing the need in the community and getting the ball rolling on this needed program.

“We started down this path quite some time ago. At the meetings with Carlisle, our company, the former superintendent and Dr. Amory was present at that time. It was after hearing the desires and struggles from the Carlisle Fire Department of recruitment and retention. We said “well, what can we do?” so we called a meeting with the fire company and Milford School District and the city asking “how can we partner to make this happen?” We said “well, if there was a program at school that would give the fire company opportunity to have an EMS program, it would give them a pipeline of students that could be doing some of the internship at the fire company, become firefighters while they are working on their EMS or EMT program” Councilman James said. “The doctor took it and ran with it and made it happen. Enlightening, enlightening time, very much appreciate it. And it was the idea was that we, too, have a part in this. We are very concerned about response time, adequate staffing, the safety of our community and our citizens. And I think this is a way to show that we are putting our money where our mouth is, that we want to make sure that we are partners in providing public safety contracts, having a pipeline through the school system with the Carlisle Fire Company and  I say Carlisle Fire Company, because  Milford schools serve more than just Milford kids, it’d be Houston and Ellendale and the like.”

Dr. Amory explained that when students would be eligible to take the EMS examination which would certify them, not only at the state level but also at the national level.

“So, if any of our students are to relocate, of course, our hope is that they come and serve in their own immediate community, but if they do relocate or if they choose to go and study elsewhere, they do have the ability to use these skills in another community as well,” Dr. Amory said. “So that’s a very exciting opportunity for our students to be able to literally walk out of our high school credentialed and ready to go and be able to get right back.”

After details of the program were released, Dr. Amory stated that there were some concerns from citizens about high school students riding along on ambulances or fire engines where they may be subjected to disturbing scenes.

“I should just add, we did hear some questions from the community in regard to how the students would be handled if they were to have a ride along where there would be any type of disturbing scene or anything of that nature,” Dr. Amory said. “And the State of Delaware Fire School reassured us that all of our students would have direct access to all of the supports that are associated with experiencing such events. So, if there’s any concern about any mental health needs, or any student who feels as though they need to have access to victim services in any way, shape, or form that is going to be part of the program, which is also just an incredible extension and an opportunity for our students as well.”

After council approved the request unanimously, Dr. Amory thanked them for the support.

“I’ll be happy to bring some updates as we get the program rolling and if anyone would like to join us, let me know and I’d be happy to show off the program once we get it rolling,” she said.





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