City Planner Rob Pierce, at the request of Milford City Council, recently presented a draft ordinance for their review to address habitual repeat offenders related to code violations. Pierce and his staff created the draft ordinance using research conducted among other municipalities. “First, we would need to identify what a habitual repeat offender is,” Pierce said. “We would define it …
Council to review ADU impact fees
As more homeowners consider building accessory dwelling units (ADU) on their property in Milford, the city is grappling with the fees charged for the tiny cottages. Brad Dennehy spoke to council at a recent workshop about the high fees he is incurring building a cottage for his mother-in-law. “I am removing my city hat tonight and putting on my resident …
Milford sees second version of marijuana retail location zoning
Last month, Milford City Council was presented with a draft ordinance that would ban all marijuana retail outlets in the city except medical compassion centers and grow facilities. This month, a second draft was presented that would permit retail marijuana facilities with restrictions. “The ordinance would allow marijuana retail stores in the C-3 zoning district by conditional use approval from …
Council approves 2023 audit
Milford City Council approved the 2023 audit report at a recent meeting. Although the 2023 audit was completed later than normal, it was finalized six months earlier than the 2022 audit. The delay was related to a new auditing firm as well as changes to technology in the finance office. “We should be even further ahead with the 2024 audit,” …
Conditional use request approved for Big Oyster Brewery
At a recent meeting, Milford City Council approved a conditional use request from Big Oyster Brewery and the Southern Delaware Golf Club to erect a free standing sign in front of their Rehoboth Boulevard property. The conditional use was required as the sign was larger than current code permits although a similar sign in front of a business across the …
City Hall Plaza project rejected by council
At a recent meeting, Milford City Council rejected the redesign of the City Hall Plaza presented by Public Works Director Brad Dennehy. The project, which was approved in the current fiscal year budget, was deemed too expensive. “The bid was publicly advertised, and documents sent to several contractors. Thompson & Son bid $491,805 with two bid alternates. The first alternate …
Council talks about potential charter changes
At a recent workshop, Milford City Council discussed potential changes to the city charter. Since October 1, the Charter Review Committee met to discuss adjustments to the charter that included property owners who live outside city limits having voting rights within the city, terms for Mayor and council along with other changes that will need to be approved by the …
Marijuana czar speaks to Milford City Council
At a recent workshop, Milford City Council heard from the “Marijuana Czar,” Office of the Marijuana Commission Rob Coupe, about the legalization of marijuana legislation passed by the state last year. Milford is currently considering an ordinance related to retail marijuana sales within city limits. Prior to the presentation by Coupe, several residents spoke out against allowing retail sales of …
ATM approved in former M&T Bank Building
At a recent meeting, Milford City Council approved a license agreement between 586 MHH, LLC and the city that would allow the owners of the former M&T Bank building on Northwest Front Street to install an ATM in the former drive through window of the bank. “We were approached by Zack King, the owner of 586 MHH, LLC, with a …
Council to see first view of retail marijuana zoning code
Milford City Council will meet on Tuesday, November 12, a departure from their regular Monday schedule due to Veteran’s Day. On the agenda is the introduction of the new zoning code related to retail marijuana locations. Despite public comment at a previous meeting where the majority of those who spoke were in favor of allowing retail marijuana sales in the …