Southern States

Conditional use approved for Southern States Milford

Terry RogersBusiness, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

City Council approved a conditional use request for a new building they plan to construct across from their current location. The new building will include a retail showroom, storage as well as wash and service bays. Although the wash bays will only be used to clean tractors before they are delivered to a customer or serviced, in order to avoid …

IMG 4492 rotated

Chainsaw artisans display talents in Milford

Terry RogersBusiness, Culture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

With sawdust and wood chips flying, nine chainsaw artists demonstrated their talents at an event sponsored by Milford Southern States over the weekend. The event, the first of its kind in Milford, also provided funds for Carlisle Fire Company. “I had cut a tree down in my yard and decided to make the stump into something cool,” Josh Miller of …

MilfordLive April 11

MilfordLIVE Weekly Review – April 11, 2023

Sonja FreyMilford-live, Weekly Review

Click on the image below to view as a PDF This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Headlines Elzey running for school board Culture Milford Library releases April event information USPS Celebrates Spring with Tulip Blossoms Forever Stamps Business Council approves Southern States request for comp plan change Career Team offers services for out-of-school youth Education Children’s author visits MSD elementary schools …

Southern States

Council approves Southern States request for comp plan change

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

A recent zoning change that will also change the comprehensive plan was approved by Milford City Council at a recent meeting. The request was made by Southern States in order to allow them to build a second building on the north side of Milford Harrington Highway. “The new building would be caddy-corner from the current Southern States location,” Cliff Mumford, …

Southern States

The Milford Garden Club Announces the ‘Garden of the Month’ for August, 2022

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Southern States at the intersection of Route 14 and Williamsville Road in Milford has been selected by the Beautification Committee of the Milford Garden Club as their August Garden of the Month. Each month the Club recognizes a property that exemplifies the purpose of the committee which is to recognize either a personal or commercial property that has created a …