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COVID protocols still in place for upcoming school year

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

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Milford School District announced that many COVID restrictions have been relaxed although there are still a few protocols in place. Photo by Rodnae Productions on Pexels.

At a recent Milford School District Board of Education meeting, Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent, provided the board with details on the state’s guidelines for COVID for the upcoming school year. Dickerson explained that there were not many changes, but he wanted to advise the board what guidance they had received as of this week from the state regarding the virus.

“If someone tests positive for COVID, they are to report it to the school,” Dickerson said. “The rule is still to stay at home for five days from when symptoms begin or from a positive test. After those five days, they are still encouraged to wear a facemask for an additional five days. It does provide the ability for someone through some type of antigen test to test negative and remove the mask before the five days.”

Dickerson explained that there was no longer any restriction regarding close contact or investigating close contacts. If the district does discover someone was in close contact, they will recommend that person wear a face mask for up to five days. The district COVID coordinator is Yvonne White, and she will provide details to the school about how to proceed throughout the school year while also staying up to date on changes to state protocols.

“One of the biggest changes is, if you remember, when we had a close contact, we also had to require those close contacts to isolate,” Dickerson said. “WE no longer have to have close contacts isolate, whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated. Everyone is treated the same in that regard as we go forward. Another thing at this point, we no longer have testing in our schools. We do have the ability at times to have some of the home tests available for our families or we will try to provide those to families as we can through the school year. So, really, COVID guidance has really kind of shrunk.”

Dickerson stated that the district would provide families with details about the recent guidelines regarding COVID in schools as set forth by the state prior to the start of school or soon after school begins. As protocols continue to change, the district will provide those changes to families as well.

Anyone with questions about COVID protocols can reach out to the Milford School District Administration Office at 302-422-1600.

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