flu virus

RSV, COVID, a cold or the flu?

Terry RogersHeadlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

As the weather turns colder, thoughts turn to what has always been known as cold and flu season. Sniffles, aches, cough and a general feeling of malaise are signs that you may be coming down with something. After coming out of a pandemic, however, those symptoms are harder to ignore than they were pre-COVID as people now realize how easy …

MilfordLive Nov 15

Milford LIVE Weekly Review – Nov. 15, 2022

Sonja FreyMilford-live, Weekly Review

Click on the image below to view as a PDF This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Headlines DMI invites everyone to Shop Small on Saturday, November 26th, 2022 Culture Milford Advocacy for the Homeless plans busy November Annual Christmas Tree Extravaganza to benefit local family Mispillion Art League’s Big Draw was a Big Hit! Business KSI Receives Donation from Sussex County …

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COVID protocols still in place for upcoming school year

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent Milford School District Board of Education meeting, Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent, provided the board with details on the state’s guidelines for COVID for the upcoming school year. Dickerson explained that there were not many changes, but he wanted to advise the board what guidance they had received as of this week from the state regarding the virus. …

DPH Sliding in my DMs 1

DPH will text you if you test positive for COVID-19

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Government, Health

The Delaware Division of Public Health now plans to text you if you have COVID-19. The DPH Contact Tracing Team has launched a pre-call text messaging initiative to individuals who test positive for COVID-19.  It involves sending a text message to COVID-positive individuals and providing initial isolation guidance and recommendations through a secure web platform before they receive a call …

a sign on the side of a building

Delaware mask mandate to expire Friday, Feb. 11

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Government, Health

Gov. Carney’s universal indoor mask mandate will expire Friday, Feb. 11/Getty Images Delaware’s universal indoor mask mandate will expire at 8 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 11. Gov. John Carney on Monday revised the State of Emergency order citing the sharp decrease in cases since the height of the omicron variant surge. While masks will no longer be required inside many …

Utility Bills 1

Council hears update on Customer Service Department

Terry RogersGovernment & Politics, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     Milford City Council heard an update about the Customer Service Department at a recent meeting At a recent workshop, Milford City Council learned from City Manager Mark Whitfield, Financial Director, Lou Vitola and Cash Operations and Revenue Manager, Suzannah Frederick, about how the city’s Customer Service Department had overcome obstacles over the past few months. …

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Orange Vials 3

Bayhealth to require vaccines for all staff

Terry RogersHealth, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     Bayhealth must now require all staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine As many hospitals began requiring all staff to be vaccinated for COVID-19, Bayhealth was one of the few healthcare systems who allowed their staff to either be vaccinated or submit to weekly tests under the recommended CDC guidelines. With a recent ruling by the …

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Orange Vials 1

Bayhealth to require vaccines for all staff

Terry RogersHealth

by Terry Rogers     Bayhealth is now requiring all employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine under new federal regulations As many hospitals began requiring all staff to be vaccinated for COVID-19, Bayhealth was one of the few healthcare systems who allowed their staff to either be vaccinated or submit to weekly tests under the recommended CDC guidelines. With a …

a sign on a brick building

City Offices closed to the public through January

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     City of Milford offices are closed to the public for the month of January due to staffing shortages and the COVID-19 spike The City of Milford has announced that their offices will be closed to the public throughout the month of January. “We closed buildings to the public for two reasons,” Mark Whitfield, City Manager, …

USPS Christmas Packages 1

USPS delays blamed on high volume, weather and COVID

Terry RogersBusiness, Milford Headline Story

by Terry Rogers Weather, COVID-19 and a high volume of mailpieces are causing mail delivery delays in Milford. Several residents in the Milford area continue to report mail delays, some claiming they had not received mail for more than a week. “I’ve had one delivery since January 1,” David Verkade said on social media. “In that timeframe, informed delivery said …