Utility Bills 1

Council hears update on Customer Service Department

Terry RogersGovernment & Politics, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     Milford City Council heard an update about the Customer Service Department at a recent meeting At a recent workshop, Milford City Council learned from City Manager Mark Whitfield, Financial Director, Lou Vitola and Cash Operations and Revenue Manager, Suzannah Frederick, about how the city’s Customer Service Department had overcome obstacles over the past few months. …

a sign on a brick building

City Offices closed to the public through January

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     City of Milford offices are closed to the public for the month of January due to staffing shortages and the COVID-19 spike The City of Milford has announced that their offices will be closed to the public throughout the month of January. “We closed buildings to the public for two reasons,” Mark Whitfield, City Manager, …