Milford Garden Club keeps busy during winter months

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Parson Thorne was adorned with traditional decorations for the holidays by the Milford Garden Club

Although the weather has gotten colder and many people are no longer thinking about gardening, the Milford Garden Club has kept busy throughout the past few weeks. The club decorated Parson Thorne Mansion for the holidays and created a beautiful tree for the Milford Library Extravaganza of Trees while also continuing their tradition of a poinsettia tree at the Milford Senior Center.

“We decked out Parson Thorn Mansion with Christmas greenery just in time for the annual Holiday Stroll,” Sue Fischer, Secretary of the garden club, said. “This project has been part of the garden club’s efforts for several years and began when members sought to match the historic traditions, similar to those in Colonial Williamsburg and the Delaware Governor’s Mansion.”

In order to match the historic look of the mansion, the club followed strict traditional rules. There are no fancy bows and ribbons, just local greens which included magnolia leaves and cypress fronts to hang along the main door and over side doors.

“In keeping with tradition, a pediment filled with fruit, made from wood to avoid spoilage, was also constructed to hang over the main door,” Fischer continued. “Simple wreaths adorn each door.”

Brooke Clendaniel of the Milford Historical Society, who operates the mansion, added to the decorations with battery lights in each window. He thanked the city’s electric department for adding lights to the trees in front of the mansion as well.

Volunteers from the Garden Club decorate a tree at the Milford Library

The traditional poinsettia tree is set up at the Milford Senior Center

At the library, the garden club created a “winter white garden” themed tree under the direction of Cindy Mullarkey who has headed up this project for 23 years. Donations from the library fund raiser this year benefit Milford Advocacy for the Homeless. At the December 6 meeting, members donated to the project as well. All are asked to visit the library and vote for their favorite tree.

“The club kept another tradition this year, setting up the poinsettia tree in the Milford Senior Center on November 29,” Fischer said. “The tree is a fundraiser for the center and the plants are on sale for $7 each.

Anyone interested in joining the Milford Garden Club can email [email protected]. A brochure will be sent that outline the activities of the club and they will be provided details on when the group meets.

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