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Milford Museum plans Kentucky Derby event

Terry RogersCharity, Milford Headline Story

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Benvenuto and Milford Museum are partnering for a Kentucky Derby “Bowties and Bonnets” celebration

On May 1, Milford Museum will partner with Benvenuto for a Kentucky Derby event “Bowties and Bonnets.” Lisa and Poncho Johnson, owners of Benvenuto, have held a Kentucky Derby party for many years and this year are holding the event as a fundraiser for the museum. The event will be held from 5:30 to 9:00 PM and tickets are $100 per person.

“We wanted to do a similar event last year,” Claudia Leister, Executive Director for the Milford Museum said. “We were talking about a Kentucky Derby viewing event on the lawn of the Causey Mansion. Then, we learned that Benvenuto planned to hold one at the restaurant and were in the process of reaching out them. When the Kentucky Derby was postponed until September, we decided it might be best to hold off until this year”

Ticket prices include high-end Kentucky Derby-themed food created by Chef Jesus as well as a keepsake 16-ounce Stella Artois glass filled with beer. Live music will be provided by The Honeycombs, courtesy of Dave and Dawn Kenton. There will be a cash bar serving themed cocktails, including Mint Juleps.

“We are holding a bowties and bonnets contest,” Leister said. “We are seeking donations of gift baskets we can use as prizes for the “win, place and show” bowties and bonnets. There will also be a Winner’s Raffle as well as an original painting sold through silent auction.”

Because of COVID restrictions, ticket sales are very limited, and this event is expected to sell out. Tickets can be purchased at the Milford Museum through their website or in person. They can also be purchased through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kentucky-derby-bowties-and-bonnets-tickets-148965228007.

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