MSD Area B

Milford School District announces Temporary Vacancy

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

MSD Area BA vacancy exists for the Area B Seat on the Milford Board of Education for a temporary term until the conclusion of the 2022-2023 fiscal year, set to expire on June 30, 2023. Interested persons shall submit a formal request for consideration of appointment with a letter of interest, accompanied by a resume of the applicant’s education and professional background, by 4:00 pm on August 19, 2022 to:

Milford Board of Education

c/o Milford School District

Attention: Ms. Theresa Blocker, Administrative Secretary – Superintendent’s Office

906 Lakeview Avenue

Milford, DE 19963


[email protected]

Persons interested in becoming a candidate:

  • Must be a citizen of the United States and Delaware and live in the school district
  • Must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the appointment
  • Must live within the Area B geographical area as specified below
  • Cannot be a paid employee of the district
  • Must never have been convicted of embezzlement
  • Furthermore:

(a) An individual may not serve as a member of the board if any of the following apply to the individual:

(1) The individual has ever been convicted or has ever pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any of the following:

  1. Any crime against a child constituting a felony.
  2. Any sexual offense against a child.
  3. Any crime constituting a felony sexual offense or unlawful sexual contact in the third degree under § 767 of Title 11.

(2) The individual has been convicted or has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere within the preceding 10 years to any crime constituting a felony that is not a permanent disqualification under paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(3) The individual has been convicted or has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere within the preceding 5 years to any of the following:

  1. Any crime against a child constituting a misdemeanor, except for unlawful sexual contact in the third degree under § 767 of Title 11.
  2. Possession of a controlled substance or a counterfeit controlled substance classified as such in Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V of Chapter 47 of Title 16, except for any of the following:
  3. Possession of a personal use quantity of marijuana under § 4764 of Title 16.
  4. Possession of drug paraphernalia under § 4771 of Title 16.
  5. Any crime constituting a misdemeanor offense against public administration involving bribery, improper influence or abuse of office.

(b) Before an individual may be appointed to the board, the individual must obtain a criminal background check and Child Protection Registry check under § 309 of Title 31.

The Area B Seat serves the following geographical area within the Milford School District:

Beginning at the point where Road 594 intersects the boundary between Milford and Woodbridge School Districts, proceed northeast along the center of Road 594 to the intersection of Road 42; north along the center of Road 42 to a point .2 miles south of Road 207; thence due east to the Herring Branch. Follow along Herring Branch to the point where it intersects with Route 113; thence north along the center of Route 113 to the intersection of Route 14; west along the center of Route 14 to Road 396; northwest along the center of Road 396 to the Milford-Lake Forest School District boundary. Thence follow the existing common boundary south between the Milford-Lake Forest and Woodbridge School Districts to the point where Road 594 intersects the boundary between Milford and Woodbridge School Districts.

The Board shall review all applications submitted and appoint a qualified person per 14 Del. C. Ch. 10 § 1054. A regular school board election will be held to fill the remainder of the unexpired term in accordance with 14 Del. C. Ch. 10 § 1075.


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