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Santa arrives in Milford

Terry RogersBusiness-Dev, Culture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

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Santa arrived in downtown Milford on Saturday

Part of the Christmas tradition in downtown Milford is the arrival of Santa with many families heading into town the Saturday after Thanksgiving not only to shop but to watch the jolly old elf arrive at his house. This year, Santa was greeted with live music and crowds cheering him as he rode downtown on an antique fire truck, escorted by Carlisle Fire Company.

“We come here every year to see Santa arrive,” Jennifer Smith said. “Even though my kids are older, they still want to come downtown, have hot chocolate at Dolce and watch as Santa comes in on the fire truck.”

Frank Peterson was in line with his two grandsons, Jesse and Justin, both looking forward to telling Santa what they wanted.

“I want LEGOs and a Transformer robot,” Jesse, who is five, said. “I also want some walkie talkies.” Justin, age four, wanted dinosaurs. When asked what kind, he responded “every kind.”

Santa is in his house every Friday and Saturday from 5 to 8 PM and on Saturday from 11 AM to 2 PM. The last day to visit Santa before he heads back to the North Pole is Sunday, December 22.

“This year, we are adding a fire pit outside the house,” Nina Pletcher, one of Santa’s elves, said. “We are taking donations of firewood which can be dropped off on the right side of the Santa House any time.”

Volunteers are needed for the Santa House. Sign up by visiting the volunteer website. Santa House is provided by Downtown Milford Inc. (DMI).

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