The students of Milford High School’s Drama Club are thrilled to present “The Epic Quest of the Damsels in Distress!” Written by Kenneth Wasemann, this play is a take on fairy tale stereotypes—but flips them around. It contains a monster, fairies, a fairy queen, a knight, a prince, a gladiator, an angry mob of villagers, and four strong women on …
Auditions announced for SSP’s fall production “Strictly Murder”
Second Street Players announces auditions for Brian Clemens’s play, “Strictly Murder.” Director Mike Amory has announced open auditions for Second Street Players’ production of “Strictly Murder.” Auditions will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, July 3rd and Wednesday July 5th at the Milford Senior Center, 111 Park Ave, Milford. Casting will be for 5 people: a woman 22-35 years …