Milford Elks Lodge donates dictionaries to elementary classroom

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

On Friday, December 6, Milford Elks Lodge donated dictionaries to third grade classrooms at Mispillion Elementary School. Carmen Kemper, who led the event, explained that this was a way to encourage students to learn. “We wanted to provide something that children could use as part of their studies throughout their school career,” Kemper said. “This is something they can take …

MSD School Bus

MSD to hold Back to School Resource Day

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Milford School District has planned a Back to School Resource Day on Tuesday, August 20 from 12 Noon until 4 PM at the Milford Central Academy bus platform. The event is designed to provide students with assistance as they return back to school. “We are hoping this sets children up for success,” Trish Gerken, Public Information Officer for the district, …

Shannon Gronau and her students. (All photos courtesy of the Delaware Department of Education)

Get to know Milford’s Shannon Gronau, Behavioral Pro of the Year

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Shannon Gronau from the Milford School District believes the movement behind mental health after the pandemic has shifted the paradigm of society and of public education. The counselor at Mispillion Elementary School was recently named 2024 Delaware Behavioral Health Professional of the Year, an award honoring outstanding service by school employees who are health care practitioners or human service providers …