First State Educate's community action event Monday night focused on parental engagement with school boards.

Local schools on underperforming list

Terry RogersAbove the fold, Education, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Delaware Department of Education recently released a list of schools on improvement plans and several local schools appeared on the list. There are several categories used to identify schools who need improvement, including Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI and CSI-R) and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI-1 and TSI-2). According to DOE, a school falls into CSI either when students score …

Two classrooms in Appo's elementary schools are overenrolled, so a request for class size waivers was needed. (Pexels)

School board discusses class sizes

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent meeting, Dr. Sara Hale, Chief Financial Officer for Milford School District, presented the annual class size and instructor to student ratio waiver to the Board of Education. This waiver is required when class sizes exceed 22 students in kindergarten through third grade and/or when schools are allotted less than 98 percent of the Division I units generated …

Improvement plans

50 Delaware schools on improvement plans to reverse poor performance

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

In Delaware, 50 of the First State’s 200+ schools are on state-monitored improvement plans due to consistent underachievement. There are four categories of improvement plans depending on the number of years of poor performance, student demographics, and more. “I appreciate the intent of the report, but many of the struggles in our schools come from misguided policy at the legislative …

Bucher MHS Advanced Placement Gov Classroom

Educational foundation created for Milford School District

Terry RogersAbove the fold, Education, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

On December 5 at Mispillion Elementary School, Milford School District Board of Education Vice-President, Matt Bucher, will provide details on the Buccaneer Educational Foundation (BEF) at 6:30 PM. The program is designed to provide information on the newly formed foundation as well as to recruit volunteers to bring forth the mission of the foundation. “For many years, even stretching back …

Delaware Roundup -- Penny -- EasterSeals

Delaware Roundup: Quick Reads (11/22)

Peter OsborneGovernment & Politics, Business, Delaware Nonprofits, Education, Entertainment, Health, Sports

The Delaware Roundup, a compilation of news briefs from across the state from the past week, is published every weekend. Send submissions for News Briefs and Calendar items to [email protected]. If possible, please forward submissions within the email or in a Word document. LEADING OFF: DART statewide services, both fixed route and paratransit, will not operate on Thanksgiving Day. SEPTA …

Many Delawareans who participated in the 97th 97th National FFA Convention say the experience helped them grow in various ways.

FFA convention participants from Delaware find experience life-changing

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

DOVER – A junior at Delaware State University who represents Delaware as the state’s national officer candidate believes his participation with the Future Farmers of America (FFA) made him the leader he is today. “I am, and forever will be, an advocate for the FFA, and the person I am is because of the people in this organization who have …

The usage and policies surrounding artificial intelligence vary widely in Delaware schools as the technology behind AI rapidly advances.

Educators grapple with how to use AI in Delaware classrooms

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Every conversation with leaders from nine Delaware colleges and high schools about artificial intelligence’s presence in the classroom reveals unique ways the evolving technology is being used.  It’s created a problem for schools and colleges wrestling with setting up their guardrails and adopting recent guidance published by the Delaware Department of Education. “AI has been in the education space for …

Agriculture, Food and Natural Science Students Take Home Awards from 97th National FFA Convention & Expo

Staff WriterEducation, Police & Fire, RSS-Education

Delaware FFA members from across the state competed last month in career and leadership development events against teams from across the country at the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, IN. To find a full list of the Delaware FFA results, click here: Delaware National Convention Results 2024. Another major part of this experience is the Expo, featuring …

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School board hears details on discipline

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent meeting, Milford School District Board of Education heard details on new practices being implemented for discipline from Dr. Jessica Weller, Supervisor of Climate and Safety. A full report will be provided to the board in December. “This is just a really quick update on our proactive measures, such as our Bridges Room, Positive Behavior Intervention Plans, learning …