Milford High School Drama Club will present their fall play, Sherlock Holmes and the Spinsters of Blackmead, November 19 and 20 at the Milford High School Auditorium. Shows on November 19 will be at 7 PM and on November 20 at 1 PM and 7 PM. Tickets are $5 for students, $6 for seniors and $8 for adults.
In the play, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have been summoned to peaceful Blackmead Manor to investigate a series of strange events. Vanishings, murder, and a trail of clues leading to Holmes’ arch enemy Professor Moriarty can only mean one thing…the game is afoot!
A combination of mystery, drama, and comedy, Sherlock Holmes and the Spinsters of Blackmead takes place after the events of the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories, and it incorporates some familiar characters and references to the original stories.
Featured cast and crew members in this production include Isabella Caraballo, Frank Delli Paoli, Will Evans, Jakob Faulkner, Anna Hatfield, Abby Lincoln, Danae Martinez Romualdo, Rowan Melvin, Jude Parfitt, Chris Perry, Kylie Short, Amiere Sudler, Haley Thompson, Paige Thompson, Mariah Todd, Mystery Villa, and Vahsti Villa.
Director Carissa Meiklejohn says, “I am so thrilled to have our drama club back onstage after exploring the world of virtual theatre last year. While we are trying to get back to normal, audiences will notice some pandemic precautions in place. The actors are wearing masks that have clear windows to show some facial expressions. To counteract the muffled sound, they are also wearing mics.”
In accordance with school guidelines, all audience members will need to be fully masked (nose and mouth covered) inside the building at all times. The audience will also be asked to space themselves out so they are not seated directly next to someone outside of their household. Plenty of seating is available for each performance.
Performances will be held in the Milford High School Auditorium on Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November 20. Both evening shows will begin at 7:00 p.m. There will also be an afternoon matinee on Saturday, November 20 at 1:00 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door. $5 for students 18 years or younger; $6 for senior citizens 60 or older; $8 for all others.
For additional information, please contact Producer Erica Snyder at (302) 422-1610 or [email protected]
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