October will be a busy month in Milford School District with three exciting events planned. In addition, students at Milford High School are putting the finishing touches on their fall play “The Epic Quest of the Damsels in Distress,” which will be presented the weekend of November 3.
“On October 21, we will hold our Hispanic Heritage Celebration Community Event,” Trish Gerken, Public Information Officer for the district, said. “This event is sponsored by the International Club and will be held at Milford High School. There will be face painting, community vendors, outdoor soccer activities and music. From 7 to 9 PM, a dance for MHS students is also planned and the cost is $5 per ticket.”
On October 25, the 8th Annual Haunted Hallways is planned. This very popular event begins at 5:30 and ends at 7 PM. It is designed for children 12 and under.
“Come walk the halls of Milford High School for an indoor trick-or-treat experience,” Gerken said. “This is a non-scary event, hosted by students and staff, who hand out candy to children. We encourage children to wear costumes and bring a bag to carry their sweets.”
Top Five BBQ and Schlabach’s food trucks will be on hand during the event and State Representative Bryan Shupe will be handing out free pumpkins as well. The line begins at the auditorium entrance and visitors are asked to park in the front high school as well as the Milford Central Academy parking lots. There will be overflow parking by the high school stadium along with the bus platform behind the school.
On October 26 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, the district will hold their Annual School Choice Information Session in the conference room at the district office, located at 906 Lakeview Avenue. At this informational meeting, parents can learn more about sending their child to Milford if they live in another district.
For more information about the Hispanic Festival, email [email protected] or [email protected]. For more information about Haunted Hallways, call 302-422-1610 or email [email protected]. For more information about school choice, call 302-422-1600.
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