MHS Cross Country Mitchell Waydelis

Mitchell, Waydelis compete in Nike XC regionals

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MHS Cross Country Mitchell Waydelis

Faith Mitchell and Nick Waydelis represented Milford Cross Country well at the Nike XC Southeastern Regionals

Milford’s Faith Mitchell and Nate Waydelis competed at the Nike XR Southeast Regionals in Carey, North Carolina, on Sunday, November 19.   Both seniors and current school record holders competed at this elite event showcasing the top runners in the Country.  Mitchell finished with a respectable 5k time of 19:45 while Waydelis ended with a 16:56.   Well done and good luck in the next chapters for these talented athletes.

The Nike XR Southeast Regionals includes runners from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Norht Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia and Washington DC. Participants run the WakeMed Soccer Park Cross Country Course.

This year, the theme for the Nike SC races is “Finish on Empty.”

“For years, we’ve been told that Cross Country is for a select group. That you’ve got to look a certain way. Talk a certain way. Run a certain way. Somehow, a sport made to move forward has been stuck in reverse. But that road ends here,” an unattributed quote reads on the Nike XC site. “After all, you can’t push ahead if you keep looking back. That’s why we embrace what makes us different. We defy what divides us. And we remember where we come from s what we bring.”

The quote continues.

“Because everything we are is everything we have,” it reads. “Every bump, bruise and heartbeat. Every burning breath, every hope, dream and finishing kick. It takes every bit of what’s inside, for every one of us. No matter where you run, how you run or why you run, all it takes is all you’ve got.”

There is no question that Faith Mitchell and Nate Waydelis embody that quote in all forms.

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