Photo May 26 11 29 59 AM

Food Bank and DoorDash partner to address food insecurity

Terry RogersCharity, Culture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Recently, Food Bank of Delaware and DoorDash announced an expanded partnership to deliver free meal boxes to food-insecure residents of Kent and Sussex Counties. A local Dasher made the ceremonial first delivery to a downstate resident this morning on May 26. “This partnership allows people to order boxes of shelf-stable pantry staples and produce using DoorDash,” Kim Turner, Communications Director …

a group of people standing in a parking lot in front of a car

Food Bank of Delaware to host drive-thru food pantry in each county

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Culture

Volunteers load food into cars during a mobile pantry event at Dover International Speedway. (Food Bank of Delaware) The Food Bank of Delaware will host drive-thru mobile pantries in each Delaware county beginning next week. The first event is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 19 at Dover International Speedway. A food pantry originally scheduled for Monday, Jan. 17 at Crossroads Community …