Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition Young Survivors

Breast cancer young survivor wants to help others cope

bshupeHeadlines, Culture

Stephanie Cumella was only 32, with two young children, when she was diagnosed with a deadly form of breast cancer. The disease threw her world into chaos as she tried to cope with treatment, work, family life  and more. It would also lead her into a career change, working with young breast cancer survivors who, like her, were diagnosed in …

YSIA tulip group photo

Young breast cancer survivors benefit from DBCC program

Terry RogersHeadlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

A diagnosis of breast cancer at any age can be frightening and stressful, but for younger women, learning you have breast cancer can be especially devastating. The Young Survivors in Action (YSIA) program through Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) is designed to help people between the ages of 20 and 40 who have been diagnosed with the disease. “We have …

a group of people standing in front of a crowd posing for the camera

DBCC’s Young Survivors promote meditation, meaningful activity during treatment

Terry RogersHealth, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     DBCC Young Survivors in Action is a group designed for younger women who are dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) understands that every breast cancer survivor needs methods for staying upbeat, healthy and motivated. This is especially true of women who are diagnosed at a young age. For this reason, …