Trish Garland

November is American Diabetes Month

Terry RogersHeadlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

November is American Diabetes Month and the American Diabetes Association hopes to bring awareness to the seriousness of the disease. According to the association, 1.2 million people in America are diagnosed with diabetes each year and 11.6 percent of Americans dealt with the illness in 2023. “Diabetes can impact your body in many negative ways,” Diane McArtor, Bayhealth Diabetes Care …

Regency Ball Drawing

Regency Ball to benefit Milford Museum

Terry RogersCharity, Culture, Delaware Nonprofits, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

On February 4th, 2022, the Milford Museum will be hosting its very first gala event at the Milford Senior Center from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM. The gala, which is being called the Regency Ball, is inspired by the hit television show “Bridgerton,” and will feature a regency era theme that encourages guests to dress in semi-formal to formal historic …