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City tree lighting celebrates Milford cultures

Terry RogersBusiness-Dev, Culture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the City of Milford holds an annual tree lighting ceremony with Santa throwing the switch to light the trees in front of City Hall. This year, additional activities were added along with recognitions of Hannukah, Kwanzaa and Christian beliefs. The program, attended by hundreds of people despite the bitter cold weather, began with …

Hanukkah Element 5 Digital Unsplash

Hannukah starts December 7, 2023

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story, Religion

The first day of Hanukkah began on December 7, celebrating what is also known as the Festival of Lights in the Jewish faith. Although this holiday is considered a rabbinic holiday, according to Rabbi Sholom Vogel of Chabad of Southern Delaware, which means it has fewer restrictions than other holidays in the faith, like Passover or Sukkot, it is one …