Factory Sports, pictured above, is one of five locations in Delaware to be awarded money in the second round of the Sports Tourism Fund grants.

5 sports complexes share $10M in second round of Sports Tourism Fund grants

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Sports

Five sports facilities in the First State will share $10 million to make upgrades as part of the second round of grant allocations made by the newly formed Delaware Sports Tourism Capital Investment Fund. After considering 17 applications requesting a combined $47,138,560, here’s who the Delaware Tourism Office is dishing the money out to: Kirkwood Sports Complex – $4 million: …

Ballistic glass could be required for new school buildings if a new legislative bill becomes law.

New school entryways may be required to use ballistic resistant glass 

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

The state legislature is looking for more ways to increase the safety and security of school buildings. In Wednesday’s Senate Education Committee meeting, a look at the entryways of buildings and how schools – especially new ones or those making upgrades – could be safer was the heart of a new bill. Senate Bill 279, sponsored by Sen. Jack Walsh, …

DSU, UD and Del Tech asked for millions in state funding, with a large chunk for deferred maintenance.

Colleges, DOE ask for hundreds of millions for capital projects

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

The big three institutions of higher education in the First State along with the Delaware Department of Education on Thursday asked for a combined $300 million from the state for capital improvement projects. As the state’s General Assembly prepares its budget for fiscal year 2025, which starts July 1, the University of Delaware, Delaware State University and Del Tech all …