At a recent meeting, Milford School District Board of Education approved a name for the Milford High School Auditorium in honor of Dr. Jerry Thompson who passed away recently. This was in response to requests from former students to name the auditorium in Thompson’s honor. Several names were presented to the board. “I make a motion that we name the …
MHS Auditorium to be named in honor of Jerry Thompson
Milford School District Board of Education unanimously voted to name the Milford High School Auditorium in honor of long-time band director, the late Jerry Thompson. The vote was to name the auditorium in his honor, but the official name will be determined at a later date. The decision was made after many people spoke in favor of the change, including …
Milford School Board seeks public comment on renaming MHS auditorium
With the permission of his wife, Colleen, Paula Bragg submitted a request to rename the Milford High School auditorium The Dr. Gerald W. Thompson Center for Performing Arts. Dr. Thompson, who passed away in September 2021, served as band director and music teacher in the district. “Just honestly, I expected there to be public comment on this tonight, based on …