IMG 8317

Del State and Milford Wellness Village partner to offer GWAP

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

On Friday, July 26, officials from Milford Wellness Village and Delaware State University signed a Memorandum of Understanding to partner with a Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWAP). The program is designed to provide multiple degree offerings in programs designed to aid the older population in Delaware. I welcome everyone here today to Milford Wellness Village. This is the home of, …

IMG 3388 rotated

Carper visits Milford Museum

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

On Friday, November 18, United States Senator Tom Carper visited the Milford Museum. The purpose of his visit was to learn more about the museum and offer ideas on how the organization could extend a $700,000 grant from the State of Delaware that is to be used for a new meeting room and collections area in the basement. “As you …