Walnut Street decking project delayed

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Artist rendering of Walnut Street bridge decking project

Public Works Director Mike Svaby provided council with an update on the Walnut Street bridge decking project to City Council. He also requested approval of a purchase order in the amount of $48,910.07 that would be used to finalize document preparation, advertisement for bids as well as construction oversight.

“The redecking of the Walnut Street Bridge is an effort toward making an ADA/pedestrian access and travel across the bridge safer while at the same time building an aesthetically pleasing and durable finished surface that is commensurate with the look and feel of downtown Milford,” Svaby said. “We found some conflicts and projects that are going on in downtown Milford which is actually a fortunate struggle. We’ve got a lot of things going on. Some are DelDOT related and some are our own.”

Greenman Pederson Inc. completed the design of the bridge redecking under a shared use contract with DeDOT. The project was approved and funded in the FY 2023 CIP and some of the costs will be from bond bill funds approved by the State of Delaware, Svaby explained.

Council was provided a preliminary design for the bridge decking which will not only provide a safer crossing option for pedestrians and add better ADA accessibility downtown, it will create a speed deterrent as the decking will be raised slightly. The center of the decking will have design elements that indicate that the river is the dividing point between Kent and Sussex County.

Council approved the purchase order unanimously and Svaby explained that he hoped to have the project underway in early 2024.

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