a fire truck parked in a parking lot

Carlisle Fire Company and city MOU updated

Terry RogersHeadlines, Milford Headline Story, Police & Fire

a fire truck parked in a parking lot

Carlisle Fire Company volunteers who own and occupy property in the city of Milford can now receive a tax refund of up to $1,000

After Milford City Council approved a tax refund up to $1,000 for members of Carlisle Fire Company who owned and resided in property within city limits in 2023, the city and the fire company were required to update the Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties.

“Last year when City Council created a residency incentive for those firefighters who own property and occupied that property within the city, we agreed that we would come back this year and revise the MOU between us and the fire company,” City Manager Mark Whitfield explained.

Under the new MOU, active volunteer firefighters who own and occupy a legal residence within city limits will receive a property tax refund from the city of up to $1,000. In order to receive the refund, the firefighter must provide certification from the Fire Chief that they responded to 30 percent of total fire calls for a 12-month consecutive period. They must also provide proof of residence in the form of a Delaware-issued driver’s license, state-issued identification or a passport.

In addition, the firefighter must own and occupy the residents for 12-full months prior to the end of the past fiscal year. For the city, the fiscal year ends June 30. They must provide a receipt of paid City of Milford property taxes prior to June 30. The city retains the right to determine final eligibility for the residency incentive and may refuse the incentive to applicants who cannot prove ownership and/or occupancy.

“There were a few other items that were basically clean up items that were done,” Whitfield said. “Periods and I’s dotted and those types of things. Just a few edits, but primarily it’s adding the residency incentive.”

Council approved the updated MOU unanimously.




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