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City of Milford Election Results 2024

bshupeAbove the fold, Government

On Saturday, April 27 voters of the City of Milford went to the polls to elect a Mayor and four Council people to serve a two-year term.


Todd Cullota will be the next Mayor of Milford with a vote of 706 votes over Mayor Arthur Campbell’s 606 votes.
The election for Ward 1 between Madula Kalesis and Michael Boyle ended in a tie with 224 votes for each candidate. The two candidates will face off in a special election. Details will be provided by the City soon.
Lori Conor won the election for Ward two over Nadia Zychal with 226 votes to 194.
Michael Stewart won the election in ward three over Danny Perez with 147 votes to 93 votes.
In ward four Katrina Wilson retained her seat winning the election over Phillip Ruiz 104 votes to 74.

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