DMI to hold business forum

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Downtown Milford Inc has planned a business forum on October 7 at 4 PM at the library

Downtown Milford Inc. (DMI) will hold a business forum on Monday, October 7 at 4 PM in the Milford Public Library. The meeting will be held in the Lion’s Room with doors opening at 3:45 PM.

“In April, we completely underwent a rebranding at DMI,” Sara LeBright, Executive Director, said. “We gave our logo a fresh new look and have made a few changes in how we operate as well. Our Organization Committee has just started the process of creating a three-year Strategic Plan and the information we gather at this meeting will be used as part of that process.”

DMI is asking as many downtown businesses as possible to attend the forum where they can provide information on their needs as a business, explain how DMI can assist them with those needs while also brainstorming ideas to continue to grow the downtown area. In turn, DMI hopes to provide local businesses with details on the many services they offer, possible resources for their business and create a strategic plan that will include the needs of the downtown businesses.

“Our plan is to make this forum a look toward the future, not the past,” LeBright said. “We want to hear how things we do benefit the businesses, and we also want to know things that might be detrimental to businesses. We want to take a good, hard look at the events we do to see which ones are helping our downtown and which ones could be changed to better grow our downtown area”

The DMI footprint is the same as the Downtown Development District (DDD) which provides rebates to both business and residential property owners as well as waiver of certain fees with the City of Milford to encourage rehabilitation of existing businesses. The DDD boundary can be viewed by visiting the City of Milford GIS Map where the boundary is outlined.


Reservations are not required for the business forum. Anyone with questions can call 302-839-1180 or email [email protected].

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