At a recent meeting, Milford City Council voted to amend the Comprehensive Plan and to rezone areas in the new Milford Corporate Center which will be located on the former Fry Farm on the corner of Milford-Harrington Highway and Canterbury Road. The changes were due to road shifts within the center.
“During the final subdivision review of the Corporate Center, we did some modifications to the internal road alignment which shifted the frontage road that would kind of run parallel with route 14 and 15 and further into the site,” Rob Pierce, City Planner, said. “As a result, there’s lots that we anticipated being zoned BP Business Park are going to be a little bit deeper, which is requiring us to kind of shift that line of back about 100 feet.”
Pierce explained that the final site plan would be presented to council before the end of the year and it was necessary to adjust not only the Comprehensive Plan but also rezone some of the lots to have them more in line with businesses the city hoped to attract to the business park.
During the discussion about the comprehensive plan changes, there was no public comment, either for or against the change to the plan. Council approved the request unanimously.
“This plan will give the flexibility of future businesses to operate and will meet the vision of the city’s usage of the business park,” Councilman Andy Fulton said when he voted yes.
Separately, council voted to change zoning on some of the parcels to BP – Business Park which would bring the properties more in line with the zoning used in the Independence Commons Business Park across the street. Councilman Dan Marabello asked if making those lots larger would require other lots in the business park smaller.
“So the lot that is going towards the western limits of the property which would come in and go behind these lots,” Pierce said. “So, essentially, we’ll make that area available for BP a little bit deeper. The lot is internal, there’s an internal loop that kind of comes through here. There’s lots that have remained the same size the entire time. They’ve just shifted some things around.”
There was no public comment for or against the request during the public hearing portion of the presentation. Council voted to approve the rezoning unanimously.
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