Ignite 230617 01

Milford Man Shares Personal Trials to Inspire Positive Change

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Ignite 230617 01

John Mollura speaking at Ignite Firewalk Foundation’s June event

“I remember standing on stage almost 20 years ago, getting ready to receive a Letter of Commendation from the Department of Defense, and instead of feeling pride and joy for our team’s accomplishment, I was consumed with an intense fear that someone was going to say I was not truly deserving of this award.” This is a memory that John Mollura, who is now a Milford-based professional photographer, recalls as a low point in his life.

Feeling like a “fake” and undeserving of accolades or accomplishments affects up to 70% of people. It is called Imposter Syndrome.

Mollura has decided to share what he has learned to help others who suffer from the negative voices that tell them they aren’t worthy of their successes.

Prior to his photography career, Mollura led test operations across the planet for NASA, the Department of Defense, and Homeland Security. Despite an impressive track record of professional successes (some of his projects landed on Mars), he was all too familiar with gnawing feelings of self-doubt.

“Over the years, I have done a tremendous amount of work on myself,” Mollura said. He has enlisted counselors and coaches for personal development and researched on his own to learn more about Imposter Syndrome.

Now he offers a motivational talk as well as both a self-paced and guided workshop about Imposter Syndrome.

“I want to help others understand how Imposter Syndrome might be showing up in their lives, what it is costing them, and teach them the skills to begin to turn down the self-doubt in their own lives,” Mollura said.

Lesley Logan, an author, business coach, and worldwide Pilates entrepreneur, participated in Mollura’s Imposter Syndrome workshop and said, “John’s tools and tips for combating Imposter Syndrome allowed me to not just have the aha moment of ‘I’m not alone in my Imposter Syndrome’ and here’s how I can support myself through that.”

Mollura offers in-person and virtual motivational talks and workshops for organizations that are committed to empowering and educating their members and employees. To learn more, visit https://johnmollura.com.


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