On Tuesday, May 28, Milford City Council began a three night series of budget hearings for the 2024-25 budget. On the first night, they discussed potential revenue, the volatility of real estate transfer tax, city administration, the clerk’s office and council expenses. Prior to the meeting, Nina Pletcher spoke during the public comment period about the potential decision to delay …
City wraps up budget hearings
Over four nights, Milford City Council held budget hearings, gaining an understanding of the 23-24 budget from various department heads as well as City Manager Mark Whitfield and Finance Director Lou Vitola. Council was presented with a balanced budget totaling over $59 million. “We did have one meeting and I basically challenged all the department heads and said either you …
City budget hearings reveal proposed tax increase
Over three nights, Milford City Council held budget hearings, gaining an understanding of the 23-24 budget from various department heads as well as City Manager Mark Whitfield and Finance Director Lou Vitola. Council was presented with a balanced budget totaling over $59 million. The budget includes a 9 percent tax increase, some of which is due to debt service related …
Hearings provide insight into FY2022-23 budget
Over three nights, Milford City Council reviewed the FY2022-23 budget with presentations from various department heads regarding revenue and expenditures. The total balanced budget is $52,858,538. Much of the increase in the budget was related to personnel costs as vacant positions are filled in various departments. The budget also includes $2.6 million not spent in the FY2022 budget. About $200,000 …