The grant will help Delawareans who struggle to find ways to manage conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. (Unsplash)

$675,000 awarded to educate patients with chronic diseases

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A $675,000 grant from the Administration for Community Living will go toward educating older homebound Delawareans who struggle to find ways to manage conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. The grant was awarded to Education Health Research International (EHRI), the non-profit arm of the Milford Wellness Village. “This is a quality of life …

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Carney tests positive for COVID-19


  Gov. John Carney announced Monday night that he tested positive for COVID-19 through an at-home antigen test. He took the test after experiencing mild symptoms. He is now isolating, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend. “I am feeling well and will continue to work remotely, but unfortunately will have to miss a few in-person events,” Carney …

Delaware schools plan to help students with summer and other programs.

State pays $15 million for COVID testing company to work with schools

bshupeHeadlines, Education, Health

A new program will check teaches and students for COVID-19, even if they don’t have symptoms.   Delaware will pay $15 million for the Quidel Corp. to provide routine COVID-19 testing, processing and reporting for Delaware teachers and students who have no virus symptoms. In many cases, a Delaware Division of Public Health press release said, Quidel’s rapid antigen tests …