H5 Avian Influenza

State finds first presumptive positive H5 Avian Influenza case on Kent County farm

Staff WriterGovernment, Headlines

Preliminary testing of a commercial broiler flock in Kent County has returned presumptive positive H5 Avian Influenza results from the University of Delaware’s Lasher Laboratory in Georgetown, part of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network. Additional samples have been sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) for further confirmation. State officials have quarantined the affected …

The free vaccines are available through through Friday, Aug. 9. (Photo from Brandywine Valley SPCA Facebook)

BVSPCA offering free vaccines to combat respiratory disease outbreak

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Health

In light of a canine respiratory disease outbreak in Delaware that forced a couple of the largest animal shelters to close their doors to new dogs, one organization is offering free vaccines. The Brandywine Valley SPCA announced it will provide dogs with free canine influenza and distemper shots at their health centers in New Castle, Dover and Georgetown. “While this …

A new bill aims to legalize the sale of raw milk in Delaware. (Photo by Utah Natural Meat)

Got (raw) milk? Senators, farmers push to legalize sale

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

While the sale of raw milk in America is either illegal, restricted to on-farm purchases, or other limitations, a handful of states have it completely legal for retail sale, and a new bill could add Delaware to that group.  Some concerns of possible diseases and health defects might put that in jeopardy, although a couple legislators swore by the unpasteurized …

Delaware will have a normal annual cicada season in 2024. (Getty Images)

Here’s the buzz: No big Cicada deal for Delaware

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Culture

While parts of the country will be swarmed with the convergence of two periodical cicada broods, it’s a regularly scheduled appearance for the insect in Delaware. “The double brood this year involves 13-year cicadas and 17-year cicadas,” said Chris Wade, the pesticide section administrator at the Delaware Department of Agriculture. The closest brood to Delaware will be in South Maryland …