The first round of EDGE grant applications for 2025 is now open.

Applications for 1st round of EDGE Grant Competition ’25 open until Feb. 28

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Business

The Delaware Division of Small Business (DSB) is now accepting applications for the first round of its 2025 EDGE Grant Competition. Small business owners in Delaware with fewer than seven years in operation and 10 or fewer employees are invited to apply for funding opportunities to help grow and expand their businesses. “Many businesses struggle with the lack of access …

Fall 2024 EDGE Grant winners

Update: 2025 EDGE Grant info webinar set for Jan. 22nd

Peter OsborneBusiness, News Briefs, RSS-Business, Town Square Live

The Delaware Division of Small Business (DSB) will hold an online information session for its EDGE Grant program on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 10 a.m. to help potential applicants prepare for applications for its February funding round. EDGE stands for the Encouraging Development, Growth, and Expansion (EDGE) program. a competition for grant funding. Five STEM-based (science/technology/engineering/math) companies can each receive …

back wages

$50 Million ‘Build to Scale’ Funding Opportunity Aims to Boost Technology Entrepreneur Ecosystems

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is accepting applications for its FY24 $50 million Build to Scale program to support organizations that strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems to support entrepreneurs as they build and scale technology-driven businesses—and the employees in the new, good jobs they create—to make and deliver new technology products and services. Build to Scale (B2S) grants fund programs that support innovators, …

GandR EDGE GRant

Delaware Small Business announces two summer webinars

Terry RogersBusiness, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

For businesses looking for retirement programs for their employees, Delaware EARNS is an option that can allow them to create such programs. Delaware EARNS is a retirement savings program for private-sector workers who don’t have access to a plan through their employer. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17 from 12 Noon until 1 PM. “This is a webinar …

Downtown River

Milford sees business growth

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

  Milford has been named the third fastest growing city in the state and with recent business openings, it is clear that more companies are looking at the town to either open a new business or add an additional location for their existing company. Much of this has to do with a population explosion in the area. In 2022, Milford’s …

Ashlee Cooper

State programs like EDGE help women-owned businesses grow

bshupeBusiness, Headlines

WILMINGTON — When Ashlee Cooper was offered the opportunity to return to the teaching job she lost during the pandemic, she declined because her toddler’s school hadn’t reopened yet. She opted instead to open an event-planning company. Her “ah-ha” moment came when someone saw her standing on a chair to photograph a balloon sculpture and suggested she use a drone …

EDGE Grants

EDGE Grant webinar series offered

Terry RogersBusiness, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

The Delaware Division of Small Business will offer two webinars to assist businesses in applying for the Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion (EDGE) Program which will reopen on September 1. The program provides grants to five STEM-based companies who could receive up to $100,000 for eligible expenses while five Entrepreneur Class (non-STEM) companies could receive $50,000. The first webinar is …