MilfordLive June 29 p

Milford LIVE Weekly Review – June 29, 2021

Sonja FreyMilford-live, Weekly Review

Hover over the image below and a gray bar pops up at the bottom. From here, you can scroll through the pdf, forward and backward, zoom in or out in 10% increments, download the PDF, or view in full-screen mode. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”MilfordLive June 29-2021″] This Week’s Top Stories Include: Headlines City Council approves Milford Plaza sign request Culture Funding …

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Governor Carney visits Milford to celebrate DEWins!

bshupeBusiness, Headlines

Governor Carney and Eric Williams, owner of Mispillion Brewing as they celebrate the DEWins! program Governor John Carney visited the Milford area on Fri., June 25 to speak to business owners who participated in the DEWins! program. The program is designed to encourage people to get the COVID-19 vaccination in an effort to win prizes or receive incentives from a …