If SB 224 becomes law, some employees would be able to have firearms on private school property.

Some private school workers may be allowed to carry guns 

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Private schools will be exempted from parts of Delaware’s Safe School Zone law, which focuses on who is allowed to have a firearm on campus, under a bill that seems headed to the Senate floor. Senate Bill 224, sponsored by Senate Minority Whip Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, exempts certain employees of a private school from the Safe School Zone law. Only …

HB 311 punishes most people for carrying a firearm in a Delaware college Safe School Zone with a class E felony.

Safe School Zone law moves on days after DSU fatal shooting

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Just days after a fatal shooting of an 18-year-old woman on Delaware State University’s campus, the state General Assembly moved on with a bill creating felonies for people with guns in Safe School Zones. House Bill 311, sponsored by Rep. Cyndie Romer, D-Newark, adds post-secondary colleges and universities to the Safe School Zone criminal offense. That means any person who …