Delaware’s state legislature is not immune to the national discussions on key societal issues, such as firearms. With this year’s legislative session ending Sunday, here’s a look at the bills relating to guns that passed in 2024: House Bill 357 – definition of “firearm” Sponsored by Rep. Jeff Spiegelman, R-Clayton, the bill derives from a task force charged with updating …
Safe School Zone law moves on days after DSU fatal shooting
Just days after a fatal shooting of an 18-year-old woman on Delaware State University’s campus, the state General Assembly moved on with a bill creating felonies for people with guns in Safe School Zones. House Bill 311, sponsored by Rep. Cyndie Romer, D-Newark, adds post-secondary colleges and universities to the Safe School Zone criminal offense. That means any person who …
Makers of inappropriate deep fake images could face penalties
A bill that would punish citizens for creating and spreading inappropriate artificial intelligence images known as deep fakes passed unanimously in the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning. House Bill 353, sponsored by Rep. Krista Griffith, D-Wilmington, provides civil and criminal penalties for the wrongful disclosure of deep fakes that depict individuals in the nude or engaging in sexual conduct. Several …
Metastatic cancer patients could get expanded treatment coverage
A bill that would expand treatment for a certain type of cancer passed the House Economic Development/Banking/Insurance & Commerce Committee unanimously Tuesday afternoon. House Bill 364, sponsored by Rep. Cyndie Romer, D-Newark, requires that individual, blanket and group health insurance carriers cover drug treatment for the associated conditions of metastatic cancer in the same way treatment for metastatic cancer is …
Financial burdens cause opposition to pension bill
A bill that would adjust the pension calculations for Delaware’s police officers and firefighters faced opposition from those very groups in Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee meeting. House Bill 266, sponsored by Rep. Cyndie Romer, D-Newark, would add wages earned as a result of required additional work hours to the definition of “compensation” for purposes of calculating pensions in the county …