IMG 1908 1

Insight Education continues working on MSD Strategic Plan

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent school board meeting, Dr. Bridget Amory, Director of Student Learning, provided the Milford School District Board of Education with an update on the strategic planning process. Earlier this year, the district awarded Insight Education with the contract to update the district’s strategic plan. “We are currently working with an individual by the name of Pete Leida who …

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School Board seeks RFPs for Strategic Planning

Terry RogersSchools

by Terry Rogers     Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent of Milford School District, requested that Milford School District Board of Education seek requests for proposals (RFPs) from vendors who could help the district create a strategic plan. Dr. Dickerson explained that there were several reasons why the district felt the need to seek outside assistance to create the plan. “We …