School Resource Officers

School Resource Officer MOU approved by school board, council

Terry RogersEducation, Milford Headline Story

In meetings held simultaneously, Milford School District and the City of Milford approved a Memorandum of Understanding related to school resource officers in the district. The Board of Education discussed the contract briefly at their meeting. “We were able to reach an agreement with the city for a five year phased increase and that corresponds to the contract negotiations that …

School Resource Officers

City and district may partner on sidewalk, SRO needs

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story, Police & Fire

At a recent meeting, Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent of Milford School District, provided the board with information on two sidewalk projects the district may partner with the city to upgrade as well as details on the contract for School Resource Officers (SRO) used by the district. “We do have one project here with 10th Street that goes kind of behind …