The task force is meant to examine and make recommendations in part on how to ensure positive student behavior in schools.

School behavior group wants more funding for specialists

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

The state task force dedicated to evaluating the ongoing problems with student behavior and school climate acknowledges that there is a real problem in Delaware schools. The 24-member Student Behavior and School Climate Task Force, made of government and educational officials as well as school behavioral specialists and resource officers, got its first taste of official suspension data Monday night. …

In a statewide effort to ensure school safety, six training sessions on reunification have been held in Delaware in August.

State trains districts on reuniting families after school crisis

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

Teachers, firemen, custodians, bus drivers and parents decked out in neon-colored vests filled the first floor hallway at Dover High School Wednesday. They were there to listen to and participate in a program focused on how to help families find each other after a school emergency. The training describes how to create a team in which each member has a …