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City of Milford provides tips for winter storm

Terry RogersGovernment & Politics, Weather

by Terry Rogers The City of MIlford wants residents to be prepared for the issues that can occur during a winter storm. Photo courtesy of Scott Newhouse The City of Milford crews proactively prepared for the winter storm that swept over the area Friday night into Saturday.  In an effort to assist residents, the City of Milford offered tips for …


Severe snowstorm to hit DE; driving restrictions take effect at 10 p.m.

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Government

In preparation for a severe winter storm set to impact the State of Delaware, Gov. John Carney on Friday issued a State of Emergency in Kent and Sussex counties and authorized the Delaware National Guard to assist state and local officials with any necessary response and recovery. Governor Carney also issued a Level 2 Driving Restriction for Kent and Sussex …