Holiday Stroll Street

Volunteers needed for Milford Winter Festivities

Terry RogersBusiness, Charity, Delaware Nonprofits, Headlines

Holiday Stroll Street

DMI is looking for volunteers to help with this year’s holiday festivities

Downtown Milford, Inc. (DMI) invites you to participate in Milford’s 2022 Winter Festivities. Milford’s Winter Festivities begin with the arrival of Santa Claus in the Downtown on Saturday November 26th at 11AM and continue with “The Holiday Stroll & Christmas Market” on Saturday December 3rd, 2022 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 

Join the DMI Promotion Committee as they prepare for one of Milford’s signature events, “The Holiday Stroll & Christmas Market” which will be held on Saturday, December 3rd.  Volunteer singers, elves, crowd managers, social media assistants, and festival assistants are needed to help make this treasured event the best yet!  For more information contact director, Janne Collins at 302-839-1180 for more information or email [email protected]

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