
Aquacare Physical Therapy Plans Grand Opening, Anniversary Celebration

Terry RogersHealth

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Milford Lifestyle Fitness Center

Aquacare Physical Therapy is pleased to announce the grand opening/one year anniversary celebration of its newest location in Milford on April 28th, 2021 Aquacare Physical Therapy, an established medical provider that continued to serve the community throughout the past year despite the pandemic and made the decision to open an additional location in Milford using strict protocols to protect clients and staff from the virus. The Milford location joins 11 other Aquacare Physical Therapy locations across Maryland and Delaware where they provide orthopedic, sports, physical and specialized therapy services such as pelvic floor therapy , spine, hand, and aquatic therapy. The organization partners with the Boys and Girls Club to offer extensive aquatic therapy, allowing clients to work one-on-one with a therapist.

“We made the decision to open our site at the Milford Wellness Village in response to requests from the community to offer our specialty programs including aquatic therapy, Parkinson’s LSVT therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, and pelvic floor therapy,” said Cara Konlian, CEO of Aquacare Physical Therapy. “We know many patients will need immediate services and we guarantee that evaluations will be scheduled within 24 hours if needed.”

The site at the Milford Wellness Village also includes the Milford Lifestyle Fitness Center, a medically-based wellness gym tailored for personal training in a small intimate environment.

Please join them on April 28th, 2021 for their official grand opening and to help them celebrate their first anniversary at 21 West Clarke Street, Suite 1500 in the Milford Wellness Village from 3-6pm with ribbon cutting at 3:30pm.   Stop by throughout the day for gourmet desserts/ cocktails and to register to win a Grand Prize which is a 12-month membership to the Milford Lifestyle Fitness Center.  Tour their physical therapy area and check out the Milford Lifestyle Fitness Center.  Social distancing, masks and temperature checks will be required as part of the center’s COVID protocols.

To learn more about the services provided by Aquacare Physical Therapy, please visit https://aquacarephysicaltherapy.com/  For additional information, please call us at 302 491-4196.


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