GNO Check Presentation

CCGM raises funds to prevent childhood hunger

Terry RogersCharity, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

GNO Check Presentation

(L to R): Debbie Heinsch, CCGM; Jennie Hess, CCGM Vice President; Chris Lovengouth, 2022 Marvelous Man; Harry Keswani, Harry K Foundation; Debbie Millman; CCGM & Harry K Foundation; Morgan Edgar, GNO Committee

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater presented the Harry K. Foundation with a $6,000.00 check from a portion of the proceeds from the 2022 Annual Girls Night Out (GNO). The event, held each year as a fundraiser for various charitable organizations as well as daily operations of the chamber, also features the Marvelous Man of Milford contest.

“This year our Marvelous Man is Chris Lovenguth from Milford and Harrington NAPA,” Jo Schmeiser, Executive Director of CCGM, said. “He will represent the chamber at various events this year.”

At the event, guests danced to Plead the Fifth band while enjoying tastings at several local restaurants and sampling signature cocktails at the Milford Elks Lodge.

The Harry K. Foundation, established by Harry Keswani, has vowed to raise money and donate 100% of these proceeds to help alleviate the problem of food insecurity in its local community.  They are working to defeat childhood hunger throughout Delaware.

According to the Food Bank of Delaware, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were approximately 105,000 people in Delaware dealing with food insecurity. At the height of the pandemic, that number rose to more than 140,000. Unfortunately, even though the state is beginning to recover from losses during the pandemic, food insecurity has not dropped to the level it was before and there are more than 114,000 people in Delaware who will not have enough to eat.

Statistics also show that 71 percent of Delaware households must choose between paying for food and paying for utilities while 66 percent must choose between their rent or mortgage and food. Of those suffering from food insecurity, 30 percent have a parent who is serving in the military or have served. In order to manage their food budget, almost 70 percent of food insecure people purchase grocery items that are inexpensive and unhealthy.

“Research shows that children who eat more nutritious meals are less likely to miss school, have fewer behavioral problems and perform better in school,” the Harry K Foundation website reads. “Working with the Food Bank of Delaware, the H4 initiative will be addressing childhood hunger on all fronts – hunger after school, during the summer and on weekends.”

For more information on the Harry K. Foundation, please give them a call at 302-226-0675 or via email [email protected]  For information concerning the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford call 422-3344, visit our website or find us on Facebook.

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