Heather Seramone is grateful for the support of DBCC Young Survivors in Action after her breast cancer diagnosis
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s Young Survivors in Action program helps younger women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer navigate their diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment pathways. These young survivors have access to networking, support, education, and activities that encourage them to continue to survive and thrive. Young Survivors in Action takes a holistic approach to the activities, support, and education provided and encourages each survivor to continue to learn and grow encouraging them to keep moving forward and live their lives to the fullest! For the next few weeks, Young Survivors in Action will highlight a few members of the group, sharing their story and promoting early detection in the fight against breast cancer along with the importance of loving yourself.
Young Survivors in Action would like to introduce you to Heather Seramone who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 41. “I learned a lot about myself as I went through treatment,” Seramone said. “I realize that I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for. As I went through chemotherapy and radiation, I discovered that I am a bad ass!”
One of the things that Seramone wishes she had done in the past is to live more in the moment and to focus on living for today.
“If I could go back, I would tell myself not to live with regrets and ‘what-ifs,’ of the past,” Seramone said. “Don’t worry about and question the future. Take it one day at a time. Now I have found peace with myself through meditation. I am also mindful of my surroundings and enjoy the little things in life, things I took for granted before. How my son’s smile lights up his whole face, the way my boyfriend looks at me, how happy my pug is EVERY SINGLE time I walk through the door and the feeling of the sun shining on my face.”
Seramone stated that the Young Survivors in Action program inspires her daily because they don’t treat her as a statistic or a cancer patient. Instead, they treat her as an individual who happens to have cancer.
“They have made me realize that I am never alone in this fight,” Seramone said. “They give me hope for a better today and I am forever grateful to my pink warrior sisters!”
To learn more about the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s programs or more about DBCC’s Young Survivors in Action Program, please visit www.debreastcancer.org/programs/survivor_programs or contact Amanda Perdue at [email protected]. Be sure to like and follow DBCC’s Young Survivors in Action’s Facebook page @YoungSurvivorsinAction to join the tribe and stay up-to-date with upcoming events, recipes, and activities!
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