
DBCC Young Survivors in Action: Jamie LaScala

Terry RogersHealth


Jamie LaScala credits Young Survivors in Action with helping her during her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s Young Survivors in Action program helps younger women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer navigate their diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment pathways.  These young survivors have access to networking, support, education, and activities that encourage them to continue to survive and thrive. Young Survivors in Action takes a holistic approach to the activities, support, and education provided and encourages each survivor to continue to learn and grow encouraging them to keep moving forward and live their lives to the fullest! For the next few weeks, Young Survivors in Action will highlight a few members of the group, sharing their story and promoting early detection in the fight against breast cancer along with the importance of loving yourself.

YSIA would like you to meet Jamie LaScala who was diagnosed with Stage III inflammatory breast cancer at the age of 40.

“As I went through treatment, I learned to ask questions,” LaScala said. “And, with gratitude, embrace the support of family, friends and the community. I was fortunate, through DBCC’s Peer Mentor and Nurture with Nature programs to speak to a woman who had a similar diagnosis as mine and to meet a friend who had gone through treatment who could provide some tips.”

Today, LaScala is a trained DBCC peer mentor, helping her to thrive and survive through patient advocacy.

“I support my healthcare team as well,” LaScala said. “I enjoy conferences, training and other events where I can spend time with ‘breasties’. I appreciate all the amazing programs focused on wellness offered through YSIA, such as cooking classes which were held pre-COVID in the beautiful facility at the University of Delaware. They are now virtual. I have also enjoyed new year planning with Bloom Planners, the virtual yoga with the Ice House. These activities and many others support our health as survivors and re just fun and something I look forward to.”

LaScala says that during treatment, she became a big believer in complementary therapies, including reiki and yoga in combination with traditional treatments.

To learn more about the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalistion’s programs or more about DBCC’s Young Survivors in Action Program, please visit www.debreastcancer.org/programs/survivor_programs. Be sure to like and follow DBCC’s Young Survivors in Action’s Facebook page @YoungSurvivorsinAction to stay up to date with upcoming events.


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